Is Aizu safe to visit?

The first question on many people’s lips, is Aizu safe to travel on a ski trip if it’s located in Fukushima Prefecture?

We had to ask ourselves this very question. There is loads of information you can access to help inform your decision online.  A helpful resource we checked out was the radioactive map for the whole Fukushima Prefecture. Click to view Fukushima Radiation Map 

Fukushima is Japan’s third largest Prefecture, so understanding where Aizu Mountains are located is helpful. The Aizu mountains are located over 2 hours drive away from the nuclear power plant no-go zone. Futa Adachi lives in Fukushima city. He also brought a geiger counter along so we could view for ourselves the readings in locations as we travelled around. His geiger counter was fascinating. Its reading fired up when we were in the area directly impacted by the Nuclear Power-plant. So best not to visit this small part of the Prefecture. We documented the area in the film, to show you the impact. It’s like time has stood still in this devastated 20 kilometre restricted zone. 

Travelling to Aizu Region of Fukushima is an adventure. For us, the Aizu Mountain region we researched as safe to visit. The local Aizu snow community will thank you for your support as well. And discovering Japan’s last ski frontier is worth exploring.